Financial hardship means situations where you may have difficulty in meeting your financial obligations. Insurance Services Holdings Pty Ltd (ISH) has policies and training for employees to help them identify if you are experiencing financial hardship, ISH may be able to provide support to you.
This support could include fast-tracking of claims if you have an urgent financial need, payment options for your claims excess, or putting action to recover an amount from you on hold if we identify you are experiencing financial hardship.
You can contact our Hardship Officer by writing or calling:
- The Hardship officer
- By Telephone: +61 2 6190 0752
- By Email:
- In Writing: Insurance Services Holdings Pty Ltd
Level 5, 63 York Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Financial counselling
In difficult situations you may require extra assistance to get through these times. For free, confidential, independent financial advice visit Financial Counselling Australia or call the National Debt Helpline on 1800 007 007.